Commercial Umbrella

Commercial Umbrella

Commercial Umbrella

Commercial Umbrella

The time and effort you have taken to build your business is too important for it to disappear after one unforeseen event. Commercial Umbrella helps you protect your assets by providing liability limits above and beyond your other policies. In some cases, it even broadens your protection.  

Commercial Umbrella 
policies are imperative for a business. When a catastrophic liability loss occurs, an umbrella policy can mean the difference between a business surviving, or not. It is important for today's business owner to consider the rising cost of lawsuits and judgments. Catastrophic liability losses can happen to any business at any time, and a commercial umbrella policy protects you when those losses exceed your basic liability coverage. 

There is also excess liability limits for businesses where higher limits may be necessary. Excess Liability Coverage provides extra liability limits over an Umbrella policy. If your business has high loss potential, sizable sales, numerous assets, large auto fleets, significant public exposure, or is high profile, you may want to consider getting excess liability coverage. 

Types of coverage can very between different insurance companies. As an independent agent, Pearson & Company Insurance can help you determine the type of policy and range of coverage that is best for your business. 
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